Rescue Simulation League
The Simulation League is principally an international testing ground for simulating robots
which carry out search and rescue operations in urban environments. Intelligent “agents” have to solve various search and rescue tasks in virtual catastrophe worlds. The research aim is to give valuable decision support in emergencies by integrating disaster information and prediction, detailed planning and thinking in human rescue teams. The background research is carried out at a strong interdisciplinary level; for instance, the strategic and team-oriented behaviour of simulated helpers proves to be a difficult challenge when several research areas are involved.
Real Rescue League
The idea behind the Real Rescue League is to deploy semi-autonomous search and rescue
robots in a life-threatening environment after a natural disaster. Heat, dust and collapsed
buildings make a rescue mission using humans or animals too dangerous. The rescue robots
are meant to gather information which serves the emergency task force as a basis for making
decisions. The RoboCup event in this league can be described as follows: A team of several
autonomous robots moves around in a specially built test environment which is divided into
areas with differing grades of difficulty. They “search” out victim dummies, put together a
map of the environment, and send information to their human operators.
Mag. Alice Senarclens de Grancy
Press Officer
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