If you want to ensure the quality of life of future generations on Earth, you have to be aware of your responsibilities today and act accordingly. “If you want to bring something about successfully, all the available knowledge of new energy technologies and concepts must be bundled, expanded and directed, and an entrepreneurial approach to the topic of sustainability promoted”, explains Hans Sünkel, Rector of Graz University of Technology, who has been nominated for the presidency of ESEIA. A total of 70 innovation partners from 23 nations are participating in the launch phase. Value has been placed on a range of various disciplines. Not only engineers but also political scientists and business schools are represented, as are manufacturers of large wind turbines. “Through ESEIA, we want to take on an exemplary pioneer role in the field of sustainable energy in Europe - in teaching, research and industry”, says initiator Brigitte Hasewend.
Leading role in European energy research
By means of ESEIA, a Europe-wide network for sustainable forms of energy and the prevention of the consequences of climate change will develop in the scientific location in Styria. If the “European Institute of Innovation and Technology” (EIT) of the European Commission makes a corresponding decision by the end of the year, ESEIA will be integrated as a strategic partner in the “eCANDO” large-scale project – at the end of August Graz University of Technology applied for a competence centre at European level together with top class international partners from science and industry. The aim of “eCANDO” is to promote an entrepreneurial approach to sustainable energy, to bundle and expand, and to intentionally optimise the flow of knowledge where jobs and economic growth are created in harmony with nature.
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More details:
Mag. Brigitte Hasewend
Head of the administrative unit International and Strategic Partnerships
E-mail: brigitte.hasewend@tugraz.at
Tel: +43 (0) 316 873 - 5280
Mobile: +43 (0) 664 60 873 5280
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